XP history of Alizée

PVP history of Alizée


Death: 5 | Murder: 0 | Victory: 0% | Victim level: ~ | Drop XP: 7 114 459

His executioners
Diablesse (2)
Johnny Soubrette (1)
His victims

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
10/03/25 11:52 pm Alizée Johnny Soubrette 50%
23/02/25 5:30 pm Alizée Paleger 25%
23/02/25 5:08 pm Alizée Diablesse 25%
23/02/25 4:53 pm Alizée Diablesse 25%
23/02/25 2:51 pm Alizée Tyrion de Lyre 25%

Drop of Alizée


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Ringmail leggings 1
Bloodstone ring 1
Manastone 1
Ring of the healer 1
Potion of serious healing 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Studded leather belt 1
Studded leather boots 1
Studded leather gloves 1
Iron ring 1
Cloak of renewal lich pink 1
Gauntlets of shocking 1
Symbol of hope 1
Emerald power focus 1
Jade ring of sorcery 1
Cape of fire resistance purple 1

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item
10/03/25 11:52 pm Jade ring of sorcery