XP history of Brick

No data for month: 02

PVP history of Brick


Death: 3 | Murder: 1 | Victory: 25% | Victim level: 89 | Drop XP: 550 028

His executioners
Alcapone (1)
La Sorciere Rouge (1)
His victims
Soraka (1)

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
02/03/25 10:06 pm Brick La Sorciere Rouge 25%
02/03/25 8:57 pm Soraka Brick 25%
01/03/25 1:57 am Brick Paleger 25%
28/02/25 1:48 am Brick Alcapone 25%

Drop of Brick


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Potion of light healing 2
Cloth pants 1
Rusted long sword 1
Rusted dirk 1
Mana elixir 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Plate protector 2
Leather belt 1
Leather gloves 1
Scalemail boots 1
Platemail leggings 1
Ancient celestial plate 1
Gauntlets of shocking 1
Jade ring of sorcery 1

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item
02/03/25 10:06 pm Gauntlets of shocking