Death: 3 | Murder: 0 | Victory: 0% | Victim level: ~ | Drop XP: 9 612 167
His executioners |
Faust (1) |
Malleus (1) |
His victims |
Date | Time | Victim | Assassin | Zone |
13/04/24 | 10:02 am | Franck Lee Gaye | QuaMailWalliX | 25% |
22/03/24 | 2:32 pm | Franck Lee Gaye | Faust | 25% |
21/03/24 | 3:22 pm | Franck Lee Gaye | Malleus | 25% |
Item | Quantity |
Mana elixir | 2 |
Mummys bandages | 1 |
Tarantula fang | 1 |
Potion of serious healing | 1 |
Platemail leggings | 1 |
Potion of critical healing | 1 |
Manastone | 1 |
Item | Quantity |
Leather belt | 1 |
Date | Time | Item |