XP history of Obs

No data for month: 09
No data for month: 10

PVP history of Obs


Death: 2 | Murder: 0 | Victory: 0% | Victim level: ~ | Drop XP: 0 | Old*: 16d 10h 56m

His executioners
Kirikou (1)
Shoke (1)
His victims
* The character's old corresponds to his or her in-game presence since March 1, 2024

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
1 01/03/24 11:12 pm Obs Shoke 25%
2 01/03/24 10:43 pm Obs Kirikou 25%

Drop of Obs


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
1 Rusted dirk 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item