XP history of Prûne

PVP history of Prûne


Death: 9 | Murder: 13 | Victory: 59.09% | Victim level: 94.15 | Drop XP: 261 069

His executioners
Alex (2)
Balthus (1)
His victims
De Saint Arc (1)

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
28/02/25 11:45 pm Ove Prûne 25%
26/02/25 10:00 pm Julie Prûne 25%
29/01/25 5:57 pm Louis Cyr Prûne 25%
16/04/24 7:07 pm Nazrog Prûne 50%
10/04/24 9:40 am Gros Fusix Prûne 25%
06/04/24 9:51 pm MOTARO Prûne 25%
06/04/24 9:48 pm MOTARO Prûne 25%
06/04/24 9:41 pm MOTARO Prûne 25%
06/04/24 9:27 pm Kitty Prûne 25%
05/04/24 9:57 pm Juanito La Legende Prûne 25%
20/03/24 11:26 am De Saint Arc Prûne 25%
20/03/24 11:26 am Drakor Prûne 25%
17/03/24 9:48 pm Prûne Faust the Corrupt 50%
09/03/24 11:07 pm Prûne Pogo 25%
02/03/24 3:49 pm Prûne Dong 25%
02/03/24 12:47 am Prûne Odar The Great 25%
02/03/24 12:40 am Prûne Mfererers 25%
01/03/24 9:36 pm Prûne Kirikou 25%
01/03/24 8:55 pm Prûne Balthus 25%
01/03/24 8:52 pm Prûne Alex 25%
01/03/24 8:44 pm Prûne Alex 25%
01/03/24 8:43 pm Quatrevingtdix Prûne 25%

Drop of Prûne


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Torch 2
Potion of light healing 2
Rusted long sword 1
Ashwood flatbow 1
Potion of healing 1
Potion of serious healing 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Rusted dirk 1
Iron ring 1
Ancient celestial plate 1
Mithril chainmail boots 1
Runed malachite diadem 1
Mithril chainmail leggings 1
Bloodstone necklace 1
Ring of the healer 1
Cape of fire resistance 1

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item
17/03/24 9:48 pm Mithril chainmail leggings