XP history of Régal

PVP history of Régal


Death: 1 | Murder: 8 | Victory: 88.89% | Victim level: 135.2 | Drop XP: 0

His executioners
Diablesse (1)
His victims
God Nofear (2)
La Sorciere Rouge (1)

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
16/02/25 1:58 am Régal Diablesse 25%
16/02/25 12:40 am God Nofear Régal 50%
11/02/25 11:16 pm Pink Régal 25%
11/02/25 11:06 pm Laure le trou Régal 25%
11/02/25 11:06 pm God Nofear Régal 25%
10/02/25 10:35 pm Mferererers Régal 25%
10/02/25 6:27 pm LouisV Régal 25%
06/02/25 2:06 pm La Sorciere Rouge Régal 25%
23/01/25 6:06 pm Manchedepelle Régal 25%

Drop of Régal


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Potion of serious healing 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Gleaming bluestone headgear 1
Quiver of Stability 1
Janders ring of nimbleness 1
Ring of the lion 1
Gleaming bluestone protector 1

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item
16/02/25 1:58 am Gleaming bluestone protector