XP history of Romain Le Cretin

No data for month: 02

PVP history of Romain Le Cretin


Death: 3 | Murder: 0 | Victory: 0% | Victim level: ~ | Drop XP: 0

His executioners
Paleger (1)
Vithia (1)
His victims

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
10/03/25 1:53 pm Romain Le Cretin Vithia 25%
10/03/25 2:47 am Romain Le Cretin Paleger 25%
10/03/25 12:15 am Romain Le Cretin Xcskr wq wrpraowark 25%

Drop of Romain Le Cretin


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Leather boots 1
Goblin leather armor 1
Leather helmet 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item