XP history of La Sorciere Rouge

PVP history of La Sorciere Rouge


Death: 7 | Murder: 8 | Victory: 53.33% | Victim level: 115.2 | Drop XP: 4 608 020

His executioners
Alcapone (2)
Firanneus (1)
His victims
Brick (1)
Brook (1)

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
09/03/25 12:08 am La Sorciere Rouge Mferererererererers 25%
08/03/25 6:03 pm Brook La Sorciere Rouge 25%
08/03/25 11:27 am Yesisisisisisii La Sorciere Rouge 25%
05/03/25 6:01 pm Kaname Kuran La Sorciere Rouge 50%
04/03/25 7:42 pm Mferererers La Sorciere Rouge 25%
04/03/25 4:16 pm Lost La Sorciere Rouge 25%
02/03/25 10:06 pm Brick La Sorciere Rouge 25%
27/02/25 2:50 am Ryu La Sorciere Rouge 25%
21/02/25 8:20 pm LouisV La Sorciere Rouge 25%
13/02/25 10:58 pm La Sorciere Rouge Alcapone 50%
08/02/25 2:39 pm La Sorciere Rouge Alcapone 25%
06/02/25 11:59 pm La Sorciere Rouge RentreDansMonTrou 25%
06/02/25 5:34 pm La Sorciere Rouge Seranos 25%
06/02/25 2:06 pm La Sorciere Rouge Régal 25%
05/02/25 10:50 pm La Sorciere Rouge Firanneus 25%

Drop of La Sorciere Rouge


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Rusted dirk 1
Cape of fire resistance 1
Essence of Bloodlust 1
Trueshots Quiver 1
Potion of serious healing 1
Blank magical tome 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Dragonscale boots 2
Dragonscale gauntlets 2
Jade ring of sorcery 2
Studded leather gloves 1
Studded leather leggings 1
Wooden shield 1
Red cape 1
Ringmail helmet 1
Sapphire bracelet 1
Dragonscale leggings 1
Ring of the priest 1
Robe of the Arch Magi 1
Mithril chainmail boots 1
Arcane circlet of power 1
Jarkos amulet 1
Ruby power focus 1
Ring of the healer 1
Talisman of protection from evil 1
Girdle of Insight 1
Orb power+3 1

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item
09/03/25 12:08 am Dragonscale gauntlets
13/02/25 10:58 pm Arcane circlet of power