XP history of Yesisisisisisii

PVP history of Yesisisisisisii


Death: 7 | Murder: 0 | Victory: 0% | Victim level: ~ | Drop XP: 65 926

His executioners
Alcapone (1)
Beludas (1)
His victims

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
10/03/25 8:37 am Yesisisisisisii Macaframa 25%
08/03/25 11:27 am Yesisisisisisii La Sorciere Rouge 25%
08/03/25 12:44 am Yesisisisisisii Alcapone 25%
25/02/25 9:34 pm Yesisisisisisii Elysian 25%
11/01/25 1:43 pm Yesisisisisisii Gatokaca 25%
04/01/25 3:38 pm Yesisisisisisii Beludas 25%
04/01/25 12:12 am Yesisisisisisii Quatrevingtdix 25%

Drop of Yesisisisisisii


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Potion of healing 5
Finely cut amethyst 2
Manastone arena 2
Feather 1
H2 permit 1
Studded leather helmet 1
Spider venom 1
Red spellbook 1
Rough emerald 1
Potion of serious healing 1
Flask of crystal water 1
Potion of light healing 1
Manastone 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
Rusted long sword 2
Rusted dirk 1
Leather belt 1
Platemail armor 1
Platemail helmet 1
Platemail leggings 1
Platemail boots 1
Mystic headband of the wind 1

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item
25/02/25 9:34 pm Rusted long sword
11/01/25 1:43 pm Platemail helmet