XP history of Analgesix

PVP history of Analgesix


Death: 1 | Murder: 14 | Victory: 93.33% | Victim level: 75.57 | Drop XP: 20 844 491 | Old*: 6d 23h 22m

His executioners
Quatrevingtdix (1)
His victims
Pablo (2)
Timalin (2)
* The character's old corresponds to his or her in-game presence since March 1, 2024

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
1 20/03/24 10:10 pm Charmer Analgesix 50%
2 16/03/24 10:48 pm Pablo Analgesix 25%
3 16/03/24 12:53 am Pablo Analgesix 25%
4 14/03/24 5:13 pm Walter White Analgesix 25%
5 08/03/24 9:20 pm Faust the Corrupt Analgesix 25%
6 05/03/24 4:23 pm Quatrevingtdix Analgesix 25%
7 04/03/24 5:29 pm Tsaya Analgesix 25%
8 01/03/24 11:21 pm Kabum Analgesix 25%
9 01/03/24 11:18 pm Adolph Le Brave Analgesix 25%
10 01/03/24 10:48 pm Johnny Soubrette Analgesix 25%
11 01/03/24 9:02 pm Horizon Analgesix 25%
12 01/03/24 8:34 pm Analgesix Quatrevingtdix 25%
13 01/03/24 8:19 pm Timalin Analgesix 25%
14 01/03/24 8:18 pm Dragartano Analgesix 25%
15 01/03/24 8:17 pm Timalin Analgesix 25%

Drop of Analgesix


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
1 Potion of fury 1
2 Sapphire bracelet 1
3 Mana elixir 1
4 Manastone 1
5 Darkwood shield 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
1 Ring of confidence 1
2 Symbol of hope 1
3 Dragonscale gauntlets red 1
4 Bracer of leaves 1
5 Ring of pure faith 1

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item