XP history of Dragartano

No data for month: 09
No data for month: 10

PVP history of Dragartano


Death: 11 | Murder: 3 | Victory: 21.43% | Victim level: 57.67 | Drop XP: 40 534 | Old*: 0d 16h 7m

* The character's old corresponds to his or her in-game presence since March 1, 2024

Date Time Victim Assassin Zone
1 03/03/24 7:28 pm Dragartano Zehy 25%
2 03/03/24 6:58 pm Lykaria Dragartano 25%
3 02/03/24 10:07 pm Dragartano Odar The Great 25%
4 02/03/24 9:41 pm Dragartano Odar The Great 25%
5 02/03/24 8:57 pm Dragartano SwanLoona 25%
6 02/03/24 7:35 pm Dragartano Luc 25%
7 02/03/24 3:18 am Dragartano Johnny Soubrette 25%
8 02/03/24 2:52 am Dragartano Dong 25%
9 02/03/24 2:15 am Dragartano Kirikou 25%
10 02/03/24 2:05 am Dragartano Horizon 25%
11 01/03/24 11:31 pm Don Pablo Dragartano 25%
12 01/03/24 11:07 pm Dragartano Quatrevingtdix 25%
13 01/03/24 8:55 pm Faust the Corrupt Dragartano 25%
14 01/03/24 8:18 pm Dragartano Analgesix 25%

Drop of Dragartano


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
1 Potion of light healing 2
2 Leather gloves 1
3 Leather boots 1
4 Rusted long sword 1
5 Ashwood flatbow 1
6 Potion of healing 1


The 25 most dropped items.
Item Quantity
1 Iron ring 3
2 Pinpoint arrows (unlimited) 2
3 Wooden arrows (unlimited) 2
4 Elm reflex bow 2
5 Elm longbow 1
6 Cloth pants 1
7 Ashwood reflex bow 1

Destroyed in battle

Date Time Item
1 02/03/24 7:35 pm Ashwood reflex bow